Die Nachkommenliste Muhammads sieht beeindruckend aus,hat auch sicherlich immense Arbeit zur Voraussetzung, NUR: sie ist wertlos, solange nicht jeder einzelne Schrit durch einen nachprüfbaren Quellennachweis belegt ist. Es wäre schön wenn wenigstens abschnittsweise, vieleicht als Zehnerpaket, die Quellennachweise nachgeliefert würden.
This genealogy is faulty.
Aisha, wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had no children This genealogy is showing that she had a daughter called Ayesha who married Yazid I the Sufanide.
This is nonsense and a corruption of History. There is not a single report in any book of history that reports any child of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through Aisha.
The Prophet Muhammad had a maximum of 7 children as follows:
1. Qasim (whose mother was Khadija), died in infancy
2. Tayyab (whose mother was Khadija) died in infancy
3. Zainab (whose mother was Khadija). She was married to Abul Aas.
4. Ruqayya (whose mother was Khadija). She was married to the third caliph Uthman ibn Affan. She bore no children.
5. Umm Kulthum (whose mother was Khadija). After the death of Ruqayya (which happened in 623 CE approx), Umm Kulthum was also married to Uthman ibn Affan. She also didnt bear any chlid
6. Fatima (whose mother was Khadija). She was married to the Prophet's cousin and fourth caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib (who is also considered to be Imam by the Shiites). Fatima had a few children including Hasan and Husain who are famous in Islamic history.
7. Ibrahim (whose mother was Mariya the Copt). The boy died when he was barely a year old, and the Prophet (PBUH) buried him in Madinah.
None of other wives of the Prophet (PBUH) bore any children from him.
Please modify your chart and remove the link between the Prophet and the Sufyanids and Umayyads.
'Abd al-Malik I bin Marwân I bin al-Hakam I remember following him as he then was set up as an ancestor. Then they cut the lines to Muhammed, then they cut all the other lines upwards, now his my 37th great grandmother's husband's second great uncle.
sorry Justin, I can send you the link to his page and genealogy work here:
Today the page is currently down?
main Spanish Genealogy page here:
you can review more about his work by googling his name:
I seem to be not able to access Spanish servers today? mmmmm
Yes, we should add it to the project. When I get some time.
Justin, I dont think that showing a false tree is a reference at all. it simply misleads people. If you want to show people that this is a false tree, then show it on some other website and put a footnote that this is false.
But if you show it in, then people will think that this is a true chain.
If we want to show false chains, there are many more false chains we can create and cause even more confusion in minds of people.
Let us not propagate wrong information. Geni is meant to be so that we can all trace correct genealogies
Kazi, this is a lesson we learned the hard way. If you don't put up the wrong information in a message and clearly show that it's wrong, people will keep trying to add the fake line.
They come to Geni believing that no one else has ever discovered this wonderful connection they just found out on the Internet. Then, the rest of us have to explain over and over and over that we've looked at this line and rejected it.
This discussion is a good example. We've said 100 times in the past 10 years that Aisha did not have a daughter Ayesha. There are notes and discussions all over Geni about it. But still people come forward with this line as though it's something new and wonderful. They don't read because they want to believe.
No. We have to identify the wrong stuff as well as the right stuff. If at all possible, we want the wrong stuff in discussions like this one, and in the projects, where we can show it is wrong. We don't want people adding it to the actual tree, where it will mislead other people.
I'm going to reinforce how helpful the showing of errors in discussions and projects is.
Muslim genealogy is not my specialty! But searching on Geni is. So if there are references to Aisha and Ayesha, I can direct members to those discussions for their review. Saves time, more accurate, and allows people to see for themselves, instead of me trying to figure it out from scratch also.