Mary Lee (Bryan), widow Raines - Detachment of Mary Bryan from parents

Started by Beverly Renee Hallman Marsh, Gedmatch Kit #XK9447597 on Monday, February 12, 2018
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Hi, can someone please tell me who detached Mary widow Raines Bryan Lee from her parents?? Now my tree is messed up again. I am becoming weary with this happening...I paid for geni pro to have a tree here, and it seems every time I turn around something like this is happening! Does someone know something I don't about who they think her parents are?? now I have to go in and do this over again for the humptenth time, and if I don't get everything just right someone is going to be mad. I don't understand why I have so much trouble with this line from Thomas Lee married Mary Bryan to her parents, to which Thomas Lee etc etc. Can someone help me with this please??!!

5/25/2022 at 9:05 PM

I’m confused.

What is the evidence Mary Lee, {possibly fictional} was the daughter of Col. William Bryan & Elizabeth Bryan

She’s not listed as their daughter in the Bryan Record.

5/26/2022 at 3:52 AM

Hi Erica,

My research and that of most other direct descendants of Captain Thomas lee finds that Mary Ingram (1745-1822) was his last wife. She first married John Rains in 1765. They were the parents of one child, Henry Rains, who was born in 1767. Her first husband, John Rains, was killed on May 16, 1771 during the “War of the Regulators.” Mary Ingram Rains secondly married Thomas Lee in 1772. They were the parents of eight children: Winifred, Zelpha, Mary, Needham, John, William, Edward and James.
Mary Bryant WAS NOT the widow of John Rains.
For the record, both the DAR and SAR only approve applications for membership using the Patriot, Captain Thomas Lee, that list his wife as Mary Ingram Rains. I know this to be true since I am a member of SAR and my wife and daughter are members of DAR.
I hope that one day the profile for Captain Thomas Lee will reflect the above cited information.
Respectfully submitted by Jim Haynes.

5/26/2022 at 3:58 AM

James Franklin Haynes - is it that Mary (Bryant) Lee didn’t exist, or that Thomas Lee had two wives? I know about the “which” Thomas Lee issue, but here I’m more concerned with “extra” Bryan’s.

5/26/2022 at 4:07 AM

John Rains Is showing a Y DNA conflict.

Erica Howton,
Maybe i can help clear some of this up. I had a paid genealogist that connected Captain Thomas Lee to Mary Bryan as his wife. Supposedly he married 3 times to a Mary. 1st wife was Mary Smith or Griffen, 2nd wife was Mary Bryan, then to Mary Ingram. There has been much conflict over who marroed John Raines. Whether it was Mary Bryan or Mary Ingram. It does not help that there were several Thomas Lees also. After speaking with my ex researcher. and having her send me the sources, and research notes i began to question that Mary Bryan was the mother of Needham Lee and Winnifred Lee Bailey...i descend through both of them. I contacted a Cousin here on Geni that is head of the dna project. She sent me a lot of info on the dna studies. From the notes my ex researcher sent me, i am not seeing Mary Bryan as the daughter of Elizabeth Whitfield, and William Bryan. I dont know where all this confusion came from, but there is a ton of it out there...and the more you search, the more confusing it gets. So i hired another researcher to help me. In our conclusion of all our research, and studying the dna studies we came to the conclusion that Mary Ingram was Mary Raines Ingram married to Captain Thomas Lee, not Thomas Greenberry Lee. And that Mary Ingram Raines Lee was the mother of my Needham Lee that married Susan Bailey, and my Winnifred Lee that married Thomas Bailey. The very best thing to do here in my opinion is to ask Jacqueli Charlene Finley as she is who did the dna work. Since i learned all of this, and that my first researcher was wrong on this line, i tried to fix it to Mary Ingram Rains as the wife of Captain Thomas Lee, but everything was locked i left it alone until it was questioned again. And, this is not the first line that researcher got wrong. Ive had to fix other lines she has made a mess of as well.

Erica, i contacted Jacqueli and asked her to come here to discussion and give you answers according to dna...hopefully she will see it, and come talk with you here.

5/26/2022 at 5:21 AM

I think I’m close to understanding / agreeing, but there’s a wrinkle that’s a little different from what you’re saying. (Note: I haven’t even begun to try and sort children on geni).

There’s a new biography of Henry Raines, the son of John Raines & his wife Mary Ingram. That is here:

Henry Rains, 1767-1838: The Rains Family of Yellow Creek, Kentucky
By David S. Rains. Page 58-59. Snip:

I believe this biographer has Thomas Lee married 3 times as mentioned, but his widow - and mother of many of his children - was Mary Ingram. She wrote her Will in Hawkins County TN & it was probated there, with Henry Rains siblings as half siblings from “her” estate. So I’m thinking the kids who were “not” in that chancery suit were from the other marriages.

Does this agree with what your have, and which kids were your lines?

5/26/2022 at 5:21 AM

Oh, not DNA. I don’t understand it the way Jacqueli does it. :(. :)

Oops Winnifred Lee was married to William Bailey, not Thomas. Thomas was their son.

5/26/2022 at 5:31 AM

And I still want to know the paper trail evidence for Mary Bryan.

5/26/2022 at 5:35 AM

So Beverly, if I remember right, this is different from how you originally had it, and I has always seen 3 wives. We’re almost there!

Well DNA does not lie, and it is not easily understood. But Jacqueli is who did the dna study. Let me go check my notes that old researcher sent. I know that through DAR and SAR the confirmed wife of Captain Thomas Lee is Mary Ingram Raines.

From what the researcher sent me this info on Mary Bryan came from a Bible owned by Mrs. Phil Green. It was supposedly Needham Lees Bible, it states that Mary Bryan was the twin of Lewis Bryan. I believe this Bible was debunked as fraudulent. From what i understand this woman was trying to connect us to the famous Lees of Virginia.

This Bible also states that Mary Bryan married Captain Thomas Lee and had both Needham and Winnifred, and others. But if Mary Lee is not listed as a Bryan daughter, then where did she come from?

5/26/2022 at 5:56 AM

Right! I think that’s the Griffin Bible? I knew something was funky when suddenly Lewis Bryan has a twin (with a slightly different date no less) yet the Bryan Record doesn’t know her.

There was some sort of Needham Bryan connection and maybe that’s the root. But I think we’re at two wives: Mary unknown & Mary Ingram, his widow.

5/26/2022 at 6:03 AM

Picking up a comment from another profile:

From "Some of the descendants of Capt. Thomas Lee of Hawkins Co., TN" (1972), the children (numbering 14 in total) of Capt. Thomas Lee are: Nicholas, Elizabeth, Thomas, Jr., Eleanor, Edith and Micajah (prior to his marriage to Mary (Ingram) Rains). His children by Mary Rains: Needham, John, Winifred, Zilpha, William, Edward, James and Mary. Note that there's not a "Greenberry" nor a "Samuel" in the lot, nor is there a "Greenberry" listed in the Lee index to "John Lee, Esq." Note also, that there are TWO Needham Lee-s in my own line of descent from Robert, son of John Lee, Sr. of Johnston Co.

Yes, i had originally had Thomas Lee married to Mary Bryan per my researcher, and she had widow Raines being Mary Bryan, not Mary Ingram Raines. But when i questioned her about it, she refused to get at the truth. I now believe through my continued research on these lines of mine of Needham Lee and Winifred Lee Bailey that their mother was actually Mary Ingram Raines Lee. I believe that Mary Bryan came in through the supposed Bible of Needham Lee that this woman, Mrs. Phil Green had that was debunked. She wanted them to be connected to famous Lees. I have no clue why she came up with this Mary Bryan, or if Mary Bryan ever married Captain Thomas Lee. There was also a Thomas Greenberry Lee, and i have wondered if that is who he married. I do have several Ingram dna matches. I just want my tree to be correct. While i am here talking to you...i was informed by someone of Clan Lindsey in Scotland that my Lindsey are incorrect. What i added was correct, but whoever added others is incorrect. I hope all of this Mary Bryan, Mary Ingram gets fixed. I also have dna matches to Bryan/Bryant because my Grandmother was a that doesnt help lol.

5/26/2022 at 6:17 AM

It’ll take a while to fix up Mary Lee but we’re on the same page, and it’s all making sense (at the moment).

Capt. Thomas Lee, of Lee Valley Is showing too many children, so that’s a priority. And finding the error in Y DNA for Henry Rains

Can you start a discussion from the profile with the Lindsay error?

Private User
5/26/2022 at 6:47 AM

The problem is that there were *many* Thomas Lees alive at about the same time, and they all keep getting mashed up with each other because a couple of them *were* descendants of Col. Richard Lee (most were not).

Sorting out Thomas Ludwell Lee (older brother of Richard Henry Lee, "Mr. 1776") is relatively easy because he is comparatively well-documented. The others - not so much.

5/26/2022 at 7:02 AM

Well, I, feeling good about this family, finally, because I think we got it where Beverly & Jim Haynes, as descendants, understand it.

I think Mary Bryan is likely bogus altogether. If she was real, it’s only one kid. Maybe to explain a Needham Bryan connection? But it’s not necessary to “marry in” to get a name.

I think there’s a first wife Mary, and no question on Mary Ingram as surviving widow.

Private User
5/26/2022 at 7:13 AM

As to the Y-DNA conflict on John Rains, there does not seem to have been a Y-DNA haplogroup designated A2a for a very long time, if ever (lots of A1 subtypes, though).

There is an mtDNA haplogroup A2a, found mainly in Siberia and upper North America (main North American results so far have apparenlty been Inuit and Athabascan Na-Dene). Here's Roberta Esets on the subject:

So, did somebody mis-enter mtDNA as Y-DNA? Or is there an even odder mixup?

5/26/2022 at 7:17 AM

Do you know how to open up the DNA tree? It shows the ascent from testers. And there’s a DNA compare report from that view, also.

Most of the tangles I’ve seen are a wrong geni connection in the tree.

Private User
5/26/2022 at 7:17 AM

Needham seems to have been a popular boys' name back around the mid-18rh century, as there was also one in the John Lee of Nansemond (JLN, not JLX) line. Who were they named after?

Private User
5/26/2022 at 7:22 AM

Figured that out, Erica, but the A2a report is from "Private user". (Most of the "A2a" results are Rains descendants - unless this is ***very very vary*** old research, I think somebody screwed up.

5/26/2022 at 7:26 AM

More notes on why Mary Bryan Lee is possibly fictional:


Private User
5/26/2022 at 7:27 AM

I just checked the Rains and Raines project groups at FTDNA. No A. Absolutely no A at all.

5/26/2022 at 7:30 AM

A name changer? So strange.

Reposting. Corrected the family list in the “about” for Capt. Thomas Lee, of Lee Valley

Capt. Thomas Lee December 3, 1729-July 2, 1816

Parents: John Lee, Esq. d. December 4, 1768 and Mary Bryan


Mary (Smith?)
Mary (Bryan) Raines, widow of John Raines
Children with Mary (Smith):

  1. Edith m. William Gregory
  2. Eleanor m. Joseph Long
  3. Thomas J. Lee, Jr. m1 ?; m2 Mary Bacon
  4. Micajah m1 Sarah Osborne; m2 Sarah Smith; m3 ?
  5. Nicholas (died young)

Children with Mary (Ingram) Raines:

  1. Needham m. Susan Bailey
  2. Zilpha m1 John Bailey; m2 Thomas Bailey
  3. John m. Frances Lane
  4. Winifred m. William Bailey, Sr.
  5. Mary m. Jones C. Griffin
  6. William m. Susannah Pangle
  7. Edward m. Sarah Tinsley
  8. James

From "Some of the descendants of Capt. Thomas Lee of Hawkins Co., TN" (1972), the children (numbering 14 in total) of Capt. Thomas Lee are: Nicholas, Elizabeth, Thomas, Jr., Eleanor, Edith and Micajah (prior to his marriage to Mary (Ingram) Rains). His children by Mary Rains: Needham, John, Winifred, Zilpha, William, Edward, James and Mary.

5/26/2022 at 7:41 AM

Here’s the most recent public profile on the A2a line:

Francis Woodrow Raines

Revisions tab:

Ollie Grabeel was added as Roy Raines's wife by Customer Service.
Mar 24, 2016 at 12:30 AM

That date stamp is when Geni imported the old Y Full tree from FamilyTree DNA. The tester has never claimed his geni profile.

So the solution, I think, is to find a logical cut point.

The other DNA contributor is active member David Earl Raines DNA Markers: R-M269 with a Y 111 test. I’m going to presume it’s accurate.

5/26/2022 at 7:55 AM

According to family trees, Pvt. Nathaniel Rains & Lawrence Wesley Rains, III are not brothers. disconnecting Pvt. Nathaniel Rains?through=6000000016280095768

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