Any Jewish genealogists who say they have umpteen thousands people in their tree invariably have portions of the famous Fraenkel family genealogy, one of the earliest published attempts to build a large-scale Jewish family tree.
Recently I have been using the resources we have available for Prague to make some major improvements in the Prague branch of the Fraenkel family among the descendants of Chief Rabbi of Prague and Bohemia Aaron Spira Wedeles (1599-1679). See (warning! it will take a while to load up 10 generations, about 4,800 people).
I still have a few riddles to solve, which I will post here, in case anyone else wants to help solve them.
A. Which Koppelmann is the father of Rose Frankl b. 1802? Rosa Fraenkel
Candidates include:
Koppel Israel Kopel Israel Frankl
Koppel Berman Jakob Koppel Israel Berman Fraenkel
B. Which Berman is the father of Ewa Frankel b. 1777 who married in 1801? Ewa Bunzel, (married 1801)
Candidates include:
Berman Wolf Berman Simon Wolf Fraenkel-Spira
Issachar Berman Simon Issachar Bermann Simon Aron Frankel
C. Who is the father of Leopold Israel Frankl who was baptized? Leopold Israel Frankel
Candidates include:
Israel Koppel Israel Koppel Frankel-Spira
Israel Moses Israel Frankl-Spira
D. Is Leopold Josef Frankl b. 1797 really Israel the son of Leopold Israel who was baptized?
E. Where does Aron Frankl father of Rose b. 1748 fit in? Who was his father?