Christoffel "Kit" Davidts - Birth place

Started by Alex Moes on Friday, November 10, 2017
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The data field currently has "Beverwijik, Noord Holland, Netherlands" but the About, and most other websites, explains Christopher was from England?

Hi Alex,
He testified on Sep 3, 1658 as to his age (42) and birthplace (England). He was named after his English father, Christopher Davis. Having a Dutch mother, it isn't hard to imagine why you'd find his name recorded in the Dutch version of it; not to mention that he lived and married among the Dutch.
I suppose that it is safe to say he was born in England. As safe as to say I was born in Tacoma. [I was, you can take my word for it. ;-)]
I noticed this before, sorry I didn't change it then. Thanks for bringing it up. It needs correcting.

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