All I can say really, is that it gets quite complicated having a mythical person in one's lineage.. What appears to be a genuine lineage to mythical royals is validated and then is refuted. Well, we can just enjoy our King Karl "Wind" Fornjotsson as a forefather or choose not to. I have kept him on :). This is all part of genealogy which I love and causes each and every one of us to research and in turn, learn more of our heritage. That has to be good!
The Curating team is working on a standardised methodology to indicate when profiles drift off into the "less than factual" category and also to disconnect the most fanciful of these from being ancestors of living people. Drawing a line between "real" and "not-real" is not an easy task, made all the harder when a profile's data may be sourced from multiple sources of varying validity with different opinions of the same person.
Nonsense Coralie, my "historical investigatory skills" barely cope with remembering where I left my car keys! What I had for dinner last night is a complete mystery.
There are less than 200 curators but more than 100 million profiles, the curators need diligent helpful users to do the leg work for us :)