This person never existed. She could not be a daughter of Thomas Bennett and Alice Pierce who were not married until 1624. The claimed mother Alice Snayle 1580-aft 1647 married 1st to Thomas Pierce in England c1600 and had a daughter by him Elizabeth Pierce who accompanied this family when they emigrated to Charles City in 1618 in the supply ship William. The husband Thomas Pierce was killed in the Indian Massacre at Martins Hundred on 26 Mar 1622 at which time his widow and daughter were captured by the Indians and held for ransom. After their release, the widow then married Thomas Bennett and her daughter close him as her guardian to protect her interest in the estate of her deceased fiance' John Filmer. There are no proven children of Thomas Bennett and his 2nd wife Alice Snayle Pierce as all of his children are attributed to his 1st wife. The daughter Elizabeth Pierce did have a daughter Mary Jackson, by her 2nd husband Richard Jackson, who married George Hardy 1633-1696. In 1647 the widow Alice Bennett gave her two Jackson granddaughters land the bordered that of George Hardy 1610-1655 that he gave to his nephew George Hardy 11633-1696. Evidently whoever wrote this profile has made wrong assumptions from the 1675 Will of John Hardy. The wife Alice named has been known for centuries as Alice Tucker, the widow of Arthur Allen d1669 in Surry, just across Lawnes Creek from the 1666 patent to John Isle of Wight. The widow Alice Tucker Allen Hardy was still living on the remainder of the 1666 patent land that John Hardy had set aside in his 1675 Will for her to live out her life on, as late as 1686 when she is named as a neighbor to a new patent. And in 1681 when she gave her son in law William Mayo her power of attorney.
The Jun 1677 date of this Alice Bennett (Johnson) is actually the 1675 Will of John Hardy was filed for probate. This profile should be deleted.