Curators: My profile is good enough to be a Master Profile!

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, March 14, 2017
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Showing 871-884 of 884 posts

Emnilda of Lusatia
Puede ser MP
Emnilda (en polaco : Emnilda słowiańska ; c.  970–75 - 1017), [1] fue una princesa eslava y duquesa de Polans de 992 por su matrimonio con el gobernante de Piast , Bolesław I el Valiente .

Emnilda of Lusatia (in Polish: Emnilda słowiańska; c. 970-75 - 1017), [1] was a Slavic princess and Duchess of Polans in 992 for her marriage to the ruler of Piast, Bolesław I the Brave. See for more details Wikipedia. In short she is a person with a wikipedia article.

She is a "von". But if the profile good enough to be a Master Profile, I do not think so. It is not my profile or a profile from Private User, but from Private User.

Curators, i am having an issue with Geni. Since last evening everyone i try to find a path to says "No path Found" i had a line disconnected a few days ago, but that has no bearing on this. I have tried my direct ancestors as well, with no luck. I sent an email to Geni at 5:08 am. I recieved one back letting me know that they recieved it. At 11 am i sent another because it has not been fixed yet. I am extremely unhappy with this since i was just billed, and paid $299.00 for your services. Could someone please look into what the problem is, and fix this asap please? Thank you.

Sophia Pierce Was told to submit this profile here for obtaining a MP status.

Beverly Renee Hallman Marsh, Gedmatch Kit #XK9447597 I just refreshed the Geni relationship calculator (see ) and now show you as a 7th cousin

I’ll also “walk your tree” to try and make sure the direct line shows correctly.

Hi Erica Howton, thank you, but it is still not fixed. I do not have a path to ANYONE from my end. Others can pull up my profile, and connect to me, but i cant connect to anyone, not even my own ancestors. This needs fixed, or i am going to ask for a refund. I just paid over $400 for Geni and MH last week. This is ridiculous!

Beverly Renee Hallman Marsh, Gedmatch Kit #XK9447597 that sounds like something specific on your end, your computer. I don’t know how to help you trouble shoot that.

No, somehow it must have magically fixed itself. It is working now. I have 3 devices i use, and it was doing it on all devices. Just thankful it is now working. Thank you Erica.

Beverly Renee Hallman Marsh, Gedmatch Kit #XK9447597 That’s a relief to hear ! I was worrying about walking you through the basics of troubleshooting (1st, are you plugged in?). :)

Erica, no worries...i had already been on troubleshooting on Geni. I think someone had me blockec or something....not sure exactly. Glad its fixed.

Paweł Bogdan Adamowicz is MPed, but the other requests are still open.

Thanks Private User

Showing 871-884 of 884 posts

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