I still feel her heading should be "Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom". Everyone knows who Elizabeth II is. Plus all other kings and queens are known by their name e.g. Charles I, King of England; Henry VIII, King of England; Louis XIV, King of France etc etc. Why should her heading be different?
15th cousin thrice removed through Rickeby Vasa Schwerin
Just found out The wonderful queen is my 22 cousin. William the conquerer is my 26th Great Grandfather, so they must be related...I hope this is not a prank....
Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom
She's my 9th cousin once removed but doubt one will ever have the chance of scoring an invite to the palace for high tea, cucumber sandwiches, a game of fetch with the Corgis or studing the form for Ascot Saturday with Aunty Madge or rumble Prince Harry and play British Bulldog with Prince William but one can still imagine can't one? LOL
@Darrell Keith Thomas English I read that King John (1166-1216 I presume you are referring to this King John) was of the Plantagenet line and Richard III was the last King of this line. All American presidents have direct bloodline back to King John and Richard III, Google this to read, it is very interesting and fascinating.
I'm not an curator, but you don't have to do anything, it's an option.
And a little tips, if you write in date of birth, death, country etc. your ancestors lived in, other people might help you connect their lose siblings if they have any, if they match yours. I guess that you're from Australia, but I don't know.
You don't have to do anything.
Not that you have to doubt that they are your parents and want to confirm it by asking them to test as well to compare with, it would be useful to sort out which part of your DNA comes from who.
Secondly as a woman you don't have Y-DNA so testing your father or one of his eventually brothers and other male bloodline relatives would give you an answer on that.
These "relationship pathways" are based on the World Tree that Geni has been building using the information provided by its many members, and are only as accurate as the information provided. The Curators (and many others) are constantly at work on the World Tree, trying to condense all of the family trees into a "one profile per person" family tree for the whole planet. Once you are connected to the World Tree, Geni can find and share these pathways with you.