valentina v. golubeva - Emigrated Tudor is found in Estonia

Started by valentina v. golubeva Tuder on Monday, August 29, 2016

(NOT a John who immigrated to America) Tudor
(NOT a John who immigrated to America) Tudor
he is here:
Tuderi Juhani Ado Tuudor
Tuderi Juhani Ado
or he is his son
I have proveness of this, now I will explain:
my relatives told that they are from Tudor family, that Peter the Greate took them from UK to Estonia, as they could be killed. I search docs many years, and when i joined this site I saw first of all this my connection: my 5th cousine married man from

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh family, I am sure because they knew that info, you can see it here:
2. you can see that years are the same when you tell he immigrated and when he is arrived to Estonia
3. i am sure that what they told 50 years ago I saw it on this site- it is proveness of that info,
please advise,
best regards,

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