Gisela of Alsace - Curator needed

Started by Sharon Doubell on Saturday, February 20, 2016
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This profile needs a Curator who works in this area. PLEASE step up and take over :-)

Sharon Doubell just pm me a list and ill take them all

Jason, thank you, I can always rely on you - I'm identifying them as I go through my Merge Centre, and adding them here: I'm hoping to inspire our new Curators in this area to come and help us too.

Anybody else think it would be nice if Revision History included when "Curated by" was changed - and from whom to whom?

Are Curators against it, for it, or do not care? Or has no one ever thought about it?

We've thought about it. I wouldn't mind it, but the benefit would be mostly to Curators, and even then, pretty slim - and there are lots more things that benefit everybody that are on the 'want' list, first :-)

I was thinking it would be of benefit to more than just Curators.
Was thinking, for example --
If someone looks at Revisions, sees "Curatored by" changed since last time they worked in that area/looked at that Profile - would have reason to think - 'hey, maybe this person knows something the previous Curator did not know' or 'maybe this Curator will be more responsive' or whatever. To me, seems as valuable to know when/that Curated by changed as Manager Added.

Was also thinking should not require much in the way of Programming since Geni already has the Field, and tells when a Manager is added - so was thinking could look at existing Programming and add that really easily. (Could be wrong, but that was my thought)

Well, go ahead and suggest it to CS. Maybe it is quite an easy to thing to programme, and it benefits is all :-)

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