I have been trying to do research and have some questions concerning these profiles..... also i have been trying to locate any basis for these to prove these as a real profile and have found none ......i have typed in dates of birth and so far nothing they look rather suspect ...if any one has any source could it be shared to said profiles...thank you
Susannah Manning is supposed to be daughter of Jacob Earl of Orkney Stewart and mother is listed as Maria auf Danmark og Norge Oldenberg....i can make no connection and have found no historical evidence to conclude that they are connected and i am almost certain that these are suspect profiles and there is no mention in any source of these people so i am left with questions about these profiles.....so if anyone has anything to add or a proper source to go on to make this connection it would be nice if it were added to said profiles...i have done alot of reading and i have found no connection what so ever....
I take it you're thinking of Jacob Earl of Orkney (FICTIONAL) - to my eye, this is bogus. As you've noted, there were no earls of Orkney at the time of his death.
Just disconnect them from any profiles you have documentation for, and let them float off into the never-never land of disconnected profile.
The official (MP-marked) profile of Robert Stewart, earl of Orkney, is here:
Robert Stewart, 1st Earl of Orkney
Thank you and this account should be deleted and as well as the other account Maria auf Danmark Og Norge Oldenberg...they have been added to my tree by a merge and i have been busy so i have not had time to look at these properly until recently.....so these should be removed or listed as fake profiles under that project i will be deleting them off my tree....Once again Harald thank you for confirming what i already had noticed in these said profiles....
Just be careful - we only have one tree, so if you delete them once, they're deleted for everyone (including the one who added them).
Deleting the name only (like you did to the putative Earl) is NOT a good idea. It leaves junk in the tree that is hard to identify.
It is usually better to disconnect than to (attempt to) delete.
There is no historical records or any evidence to suggest that in fact Susannah Manning is indeed the daughter of said parents there is no historical records in the Stewart line for Jacob Earl of Orkney in this time period also there were no Earls either during this time....also Maria auf Danmark og Norge Oldenberg there is no record of this to my knowledge i have did alot of research on her supposed to be father Frederick II king of Denmark and Norway and she is not listed as a child the conclusion i came to was these are nothing more than a hunch at best....unless the names are correct and there is historical evidence to back up said claims these are most certainly false profiles and are not the correct parents....
Kazimierz of Rús in that timeframe, the people we have records of are grandmothers to just about everyone.
Unfortunately a lot has been written about family relationships that is either wrong or just not provable.
Please contribute sources you know about to the discussion!