API for projects associated with a profile

Начал Jan Fertig четверг, 6 августа 2015
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6.8.2015 в 8:21 после полудня

1. Given a profile, is there an API that returns all of the projects associated with that profile?

something like: api/profile-123?fields=projects or api/profile-123/projects

2. Given a profile and a project, is there an API that adds that profile to the project?

something like: api/profile-123/add-to-project/project-456 or api/project-456/add-profile/profile-123

Private User
7.8.2015 в 5:33 до полудня

1. No, - you can only get the list for your self, - but a traffic inspection of the invite to project popup might reveal how to do that for others since all projects followed by the user is listed.

2. Thanks not!!!
It was terrible in the beginning with projects when you could add anyone without a request - somehow people thought it was ok to add me to every project they created and I had to remove my self from a lot of projects, - and I am still removing profiles prom projects which as no relevance to the profile.

Private User
7.8.2015 в 7:01 до полудня

I thought you could add a profile to a project via the URI, but can't recall the syntax.

7.8.2015 в 7:39 до полудня

re: question 1: That is one (but not the only) reason why Jeff's HistorySearch (originally HistoryLink) utility keeps it's own database of "profiles associated with a project" ... because one can't query Geni for the projects associated with it.

7.8.2015 в 12:22 после полудня

Good news! We've added project_ids to the output of the profile call. FYI, it only lists projects in which a public profile is tagged, not projects that a user has joined.

Private User
7.8.2015 в 1:01 после полудня

Awesome! :) Jan, here is an example

I'll have to work that into HistoryLink soon (maybe next month) so I can get rid of maintaining a database of the profiles in these historical / popular projects. As Dan stated, now I can just maintain a list of the projects and check to see if the profile is in them based on the Geni query, so it's always up to date.

7.8.2015 в 2:13 после полудня

re 1: awesome -- thanks!
re 2: I don't see why not -- especially in cases when I am one of the managers of the profile as well as the project that are being associated with each other.

Private User
27.6.2016 в 1:51 после полудня

Mike Stangel, Private User is there a way to query multiple projects to get, for example, the name?


The project documentation suggests that you could use "?ids=", but the example given is for /profile, not /project. I tried /project?ids= but it didn't seem to work.

Test URL: https://www.geni.com/api/project?ids=34720,25470&fields=name

Private User
27.6.2016 в 2:03 после полудня

Job Waterreus

Kun jij mij in eenvoudig Nederlands de reikwijdte van deze discussie uitleggen. Ik heb het gevoel dat die voor mij van belang is, maar het begint er al mee dat ik de afkorting API niet ken. Geeft het de kans om profielen die IN een projectpagina gemonteerd zijn te herkennen, zonder dat ze AAN de profjectpagina zijn gelinked? Of begrijp ik dat verkeerd? Alvast dank, jMVu.

Private User
27.6.2016 в 2:52 после полудня

Private User


Private User
27.6.2016 в 4:00 после полудня

Thanks for the quick response Private User! :)

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