Lauri Moilanen / Rautia (Smedh) - Language

Started by Karen Dorothy Plummer on Tuesday, October 28, 2014
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I hope it is okay if I add the English translation from Google to the bottom of the Overview. If the tree is correct, this Moilanen was my 11 great grandfather. My father was one of 12 children so I have a large family interested in our family history most of whom do not understand Finnish as we all live in the USA. Thank you for all of your work. We are proud of our Finnish heritage and really want to know as much as possible about it. If any one sees mistakes in the translation please correct them. Karen Laulainen Plummer

Karen: Thanks so much for the translation, totally ok. I often use English myself in those updates, but this one was copied from another source. I will try to correct some of the little mistakes in translation.

Lauri Moilanen / Rautia is also my 11th great grandfather, here is the path:

You → Elsa Emilia Salakari your mother→ Wilhelmina (Miina) (Mina) Väisänen her mother→Elli/Elin Saastamoinen her mother→ /Elen/Elin/Elli Säkkinen her mother→ Elin Tolonen her mother→ Katri Paavontytär Tolonen her mother→ Kaisa Härkönen her mother→ Agneta Laurintytär Tolonen her mother→ Vappu Laurintytär MOILANEN her mother→ Lauri Laurinpoika MOILANEN her father→ Lauri Antinpoika MOILANEN
his father→ Antti "Reissu-Antti" MOILANEN his father→ Lauri Moilanen / Rautia his father

Best regards,


@ Lauri Moilanen

Thank you for posting the information and being okay with my attempts. Looks like we are very distant cousins. Where do you live? I have visited your beautiful country several times. Once I went to Puolanka with my parents and met a distant cousin whom my parents had met on an earlier visit. Usually though I visited our 3 Finnish exchange students. One is in Helsinki, one in Tampere, and one in the Finnish Navy near Oulu.

Karen Laulainen Plummer

Lauri was also my wife's 11th grandfather. Her family lives in Suomussalmi.
regards, Antti

@ Lauri Moilanen/Rautia

Lauri was my 12th great grandfather.

@Lauri Moilanen-Rautia
Hi Karen, you have probably already visited Lauri Moilanen / Rautia's profile, but I will give my relatives a with Lauri.Tarja

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