Does anyone know of a female-only descendant of Catharina van Paliacatta who had their DNA tested?
The mtDNA project explains how to use the History Link graph to identify geni users who might share her mtDNA:
This is of great interest as there is still some debate on the origins of the Snyman lineage, with suggestions of male progenitors from at least Germany, Bengal and France, and female progenitors from at least Bengal (Catharina) or France.
According to Mansell G. Upham's book: "In hewigen woede" Catharina van Paliacatta is the progenitor of all Snymans, so Catharina forms part and parcel of the question (or of the answer!).
Such Mitochondrial DNA information would be available if a child (male or female) of a daughter of a daughter ... (back up through females only) of a daughter of Catharina van Paliacatta had his/her Mitochondrial DNA tested to determine the Mitochondrial haplogroup of this lineage.
Only the last child can be a male, as Mitochondrial DNA is only carried further by mothers (not by fathers). Both sons and daughters inherit Mitochondrial DNA from their mothers though.
For more on this please see: