ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
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Showing 2791-2820 of 5946 posts

Can we detach

Madog Gloddaith ap Madog Fychan

from his parents? He's the son of a Madog, but not Madog ap Maredudd. He's the son of a Madog Fychan which one I am not sure of yet. But he's not the son of Madog ap Maredudd, that I am sure of.

here's some info from the Bangor archives:

Can detach Nest ferch Cadell

from her parents? as her name suggests, she's the daughter of Cadell (ap Elisedd); if you detach, I'll merge.


Private User,

Both have been detached.

Thanks, Kevin Lawrence Hanit!

Can we detach Einion Efell ap Madog, of Cynllaith

and Cynwrig Efell ap Madog

from their parents? They are the base sons (twins, as we know from the Welsh) of Madog ap Maredudd, so Susanna is not their mother; we don't know who their mother was.

(These two men, along with Owain Brogyntyn, are the only illegtimate children of Madog ap Maredudd whom he recognized. We don't know if there are others.)


Private User,



Can we detach Cydifor Fawr ap Collwyn, Lord of Blaen Cuch

from ALL his parents, as none of them are precisely correct; the various names being used exist, but in various generations.


I'll take a little rest now from the Medieval Welsh and go lie down.

Private User,


I lied. Can we detach Noe ap Madog, King of Powys

ALSO from Madog ap Maredudd? He was born centuries earlier and is the son of Madog ap Sandde.

thanks. stopping now.. really....

Private User,


Private User

Private User

I`ve tried to delete the relation between Joza Zrnčić and Joza Zrnčić but they say me that will split a tree, so I can`t do it. Could sameone do it for me? Thank you.

can we detach

Elise ab Anarawd

from her husband, Idwal Foel?

Not only do we not have evidence of their being married, or together, or anything, Elise (Elised, or Elisse) is a male, and "Maletraeth" is where he is from, not the name of his father.

If you'll detach her, I will remake her into Elisse ap Anarawd, whicn is who he really is.


Private User,



More Welsh:

Can we detach Iorwerth ab Owain Brogyntyn

from his parents? He's actually the son of Owain Brogyntyn.

thanks, Anne

Private User,

Done and merged.


Can we detach Bleddyn ap Maenyrch, King of Brycheiniog

from his parents? He's the son of Maeryrch ap Driffin.


Anne - done. spelling corrected. He's pretty lonely with just his father, hope you can reconnect him.

Yes, his father is in the geni data base, though sort of vestigal. I'll fill out the line.

thank you!

Hello, I have reason to believe that this private zombie is the late (very late) Sigmund Oppenheimer. If i am wrong, please ignore what follows!

Sigmund Oppenheimer

compare with

Sigmund Oppenheimer

Sigmund and his wife are quite dead and their son, Harry, who is also deceased, has two public profiles (duplicates), so there is no reason for the "privacy":

Harry Darwin Oppenheimer

and i think Harry and Henry are duplicates of the same person:

Harry Darwin Oppenheimer

On both the private and public profiles, Sigmund is my 13th cousin -- not close enough for me to claim him as "close family," but the connection is by straight blue line DNA, and there is another batch of Oppenheimers who are my scond cousins, so i twould like to work on his bio a bit -- he made sausage casings, as did his son Harry.

I happen to have a replica of a refrigerated train car bearing the name of Harry's company (Oppenheimer Casing Co. of Chicago). I am sentimental about family members who made trains (like the Bing family) or who had train cars painted bearing their names (like the oppenheimer family).

If you think i am kidding, see this:

crazy cat yronwode

Catherine Anna Manfredi Yronwode they are now merged together. Please correct any data conflicts. :)

Thank you, Linda Kathleen Thmson -- i will do my best, and if i run into trouble, i will come back and ask for further assistance.

I was afraid of this -- previous people have confused these father/son and public/private profiles in a way that i cannot untangle. This is what i am seeing needs to be corrected:

Father and Son

Lawrence Cullman Stix, Sr. b. 1887 (father)

Lawrence Cullman Stix, Jr. b. 1915 (son)

His wife (?)

Private b. 1890 - 1950

same as

Private? b <private>

A brother and a son (two profiles for brother):

Edgar Robert Stix b. 1890

Edgar Robert Stix b. 1891

Edgar Robert Stix, II b. 1920

I may be wrong .. i certainly am confused!

Sorry for all the trouble.

Angus, thank you so much! These rather fascinating sausage casing company folks are only my 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th cousins, so i am not really familiar with the details of their lives, but i wanted them to be traceable. Although i am not sure if their portion of the tree is now 100% correct, at least it no longer contains logical impossibilities, such as a father being a brother to his own son ... and if it needs further work at a later time, it can easily be updated. Again, i thank you for taking the time to help untangle the mis-entered data. Long live the Sausage Casing Kings!

Showing 2791-2820 of 5946 posts

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