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Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
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Alpais spouse was Pepin "le Gros" or "d'Heristal" not Pepin de Vermandois I have removed him as spouse.

Also Pepin s/o Herbert de Vermandois II no IV so have fixed that too

no need, because there are wrong things every where, telling that is things which is not correct, do they take it away , o no

Private User
Pls check all

Job Waterreus I see the problem with common names - I'll work on an extension to include the birth and death dates in the response in this case but the bigger problem is that from our end it appears that you're searching for nothing / blank text. Are you typing / pasting the profile ID and then clicking the "search more" link?

Mike Stangel,

Yes I do that sometimes, and one problem is that a number of times a tab or spaces or some other invisible characters get copied over as well (before the start of the name) and removing them does not seem to work as it should.

The same problem with searching for profiles also happens when I try to add profiles to to document (like adding the partner and both sets of parents and witnesses to a marriage certificate).
Also the number of profiles shown there can be such that I have to scroll the page down (some names may occur a large number of times). That (using the mouse on the page scrollbar) also seems to trigger problems with searching.
Searching with search more a second time (when the first search does not show the searched for profile), does not seem to work at all.

I gave up adding a name once because the profile would not show. I finally figured out that recently used profiles will be shown, so I finally got the profile added, but it took me some 10 minutes. This really is a problem when you add a document at a later time, because you will not have accessed the other profiles.

Removing everything from the name field and then inputting a name manually does not always triggers a new search.
Some of the problems may be the result of the browser (Firefox) and some add ons I use. I mostly block JavaScript from unknown sources (I do allow Geni however), and I also put some restrictions on third party cookies.

I would very much to be able to use the profile number when adding profiles to a document, because even when showing dates, it would still be hard to choose the correct profiles when no dates are present in the profile.
What makes it even harder is that multiple children in the same family will all have the same names when they died young. Parents named their children to their father, mother and grand parents and kept giving the same names over and over when children died young.
This makes it difficult already but in a family with a few surviving children when they get children those children may have the same names. So it is not unusual to have cousins that are born in the same year to have the same names. So even if a year is known it still could be hard to pick the right profile from a list.

One other thing: If you try to correct a wrongly added profile from a document, it is very easy to delete multiple profiles when you use backspace in a field. Undo does not seem to work there. As far as I know the only remedy is not to save, and start over again.

Still some more info: On the project page trying to add a profile will display the page in a different colour (disabled) if the search did not return a profile.
I will have to refresh the page to be able to get it to react to a mouse click again.

Searching by profile number should be rock-solid. It's working fine for me, so I'd like you to try it and if it doesn't work, let me know when you tried and with which profile ID -- I can search the logs for that.

What i would like to do some day if you can code it in to search by profles is to search by date... for example.. if you knew some one died on easter sunday in a year would that be a good feature or not let me know.

Job Waterreus - when I use Profile Number for tagging - I copy it, then back-space over the last number and re-type it - that seems to trigger the system to know what is there. Have you been trying that? If not, give it a try.

Addendum to above - THEN I usually need to click on "Search More" - but then it seems to always work.

Mike Stangel,

I just tried putting in the profile numbers for a document I added to 6000000013008250358 and it worked. But I did not do any search before entering the profile numbers. So it would be nice if you changed the prompt to make clear a profile number is accepted as well. I will try again when first searching for a name and I will also try to find a profile where I'm not a manager to see if that may make a difference.

I just tried also for 6000000013007701122 and tried searching by name there. That was successful for the profile that where already there but not for the two profiles I had just added. Searching for those by number did work.
It does seem that removing starting characters that get copied over may be a problem when clicking with the mouse in the field and using backspace to remove them will remove the search more option from the screen. It came back however, but I'm not sure what triggered it to appear again.

I just tried again for 6000000030267971446 with some variations for entering the profiles and they all worked.
Choosing the right profile when you enter the names is still hard I got to choose between third great aunt's mother's husband's father and third great aunt's half brother. If you do not have the profile open and can see the path, this is information that is not very useful. If you could see relations (like parents, wife and/or children with dates and profile numbers) that would be more useful.

Regarding Sophia von Formbach: gives completely wrong parents for Sophia von Salm, Countess von Salm and when I try to view her profile I only got an error message
her correct father is Meginhard IV von Formbach, Vogt von Niederaltaich and the mother is Mathilda Formbach von Winzenburg, Gravin von Windberg
see e.g. German Wikipedia:

I also tried with 6000000024945345880 for which I am no manager and adding by name worked there. It seems something has changed for the better.
I also tried with 6000000032878825169 (freshly added) and with the mother of the bride. If I search on her first name Maria the profile is not found. Search more just gives me a searching message and no other profiles. Searching on her lastname presents a profile Maria Peeters which could be her profile, but is has no extra information so it impossible to know if this is the profile I am looking for. If I search on profile number a Maria Peeters is presented with that profile number. In that case it is not really necessary, but I used the profile number for searching. It would be more useful to get relation information and/or dates to confirm that I did not make a mistake in entering the profile number.

But on the whole it does seem to work for entering profile numbers, so I'm glad for that.

Ard van Bergen & Job Waterreus,
I disconnected Sophie from her parents and connected her to the parents Arie posted. Sohia is now OLDER than these new parents and we still can't go to her profile page.

All merged.

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