ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Mike Stangel on Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Problem with this page?


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@Dan Cornett Thank you ! :)

I was wondering if a curator could help me figure out what went wrong regarding this profile Ype Siercks after I did a merge.

this is what I did "Dorothy Jane Smid merged duplicate profiles for Tjerk Sjerps, Anne Jacobs, Antje Jans Oedzes and Jacob Tjibbes the Haan. 6 hours ago "

Tjerk Sjerps my 6th great grandfather's but now his mother Rinske Ypes says Rinske Ypes is my first cousin 10 times removed's wife's first cousin once removed.

Dorothy Smid

Tjerk Sjerps is Dorothy Jane Smid's 6th great grandfather.

Rinske Ypes is Dorothy Jane Smid's 7th great grandmother!

it says ... Ype Siercks is my 8th great grandfather. but still saying Ype's father iSierck Broers my first cousin 10 times removed's wife's great grandfather.

Sierck Broers is Dorothy Jane Smid's 9th great grandfather!

Broer Siercks is Dorothy Jane Smid's 10th great grandfather!

Sierck Broers is Dorothy Jane Smid's 11th great grandfather!

Ype Siercks is Dorothy Jane Smid's 8th great grandfather!

Thanks, Jessica

I would like to make a comment that I hope might warrant consideration. I believe a “date of marriage” option should be offered when a spouse is added. Multiple marriages are becoming more and more prevalent. In the past I have avoided entering date of marriage because it is extremely award and time consuming when working with multiple files. I am now making a point to enter this info and it is definitely a time consuming operation as it is currently presented. If anyone knows a secret method to ease the pain, please explain.

re: Entering marriage date.

From Tree View (or Profile View), assuming you have privilege to access the Relationships, it takes these 4 steps:

- click on the 'Edit' word (on either of the partners).
- click on the Relationships tab.
- click in the date field of the proper relationship and type in the date (add the location field, too, if known).
- click "Save" button.

I'm not aware of any shortcuts.

Help! Fru Falster needs to be disconnected from Peder Ludvigsen von Everstein, til Tybjerggaard

Private User done; she is now just Jens' unknown wife as mentioned in the "About" section

Thanks a lot Ard van Bergen!

Here's another one
Johann Moltke
Should only be married to
NN Konradsdatter von Preen
and not to his brothers sons wife, please divorce them.
NN Konradsdatter von Preen

Private User
both Johann's are now (officially at least) monogamous

Wow, that was quick done, have been bothered a long time by that relationship... ; )

identifying the problem is often much harder than actually solving it

Yes and her's the last one from me today,

Johan Moltke
Should have only this father Henrik Moltke, til Westenbrügge , that's what the source in his profiles point at, so I added him.

The old one, well, I haven't been able to find any real evidence at all for the existence of Henrik "Niklasson", nor Nicholaus Moltke or his father Georg, except from this private home site, without any source.

"1340-1389 Greve Moltke bodde på Ållonö
Hans far hette Henrik och farfar var Nicolaus
Och ännu längre tillbaks Georg Moltke."

Henrik Niklasson Moltke

The easy solution would be to merge the first two, then disconnect the path up to Nicolaus, or just merge them all in and give them the same name on the fathers path I added. I believe that no one seems to really care about it.

Private User

Someone had Henrik Moltke, til Westenbrügge
married to
Henrik Niklasson Moltke

I disconnected that relationship so the tree looks like this now

I suggest leaving it like that and also leave h down the road.ttp:// too maybe someone may find a connection for that tree

Excellent Angus, hope they would put up the source they'd use ext time.

( I still can't find anything at all on any of those profiles belonging to Henrik Niklasson etc).


I am contacting you about this profile: Martin James Alguire

Several profiles were incorrectly merged into this profile in April 2013. The damage has been partially undone, but several incorrect spouses and children remain attached to this profile. At this point is it still possible to undo the merges?

Thank you,


Private User

No, it's too long ago. We can only use the undo merge function on Merges after August 2014.

As a pro you should be able to disconnect and reassemble the tree. My technique would be to sketch out with new profiles what I know to be right, then merge & disconnect.

Thank you Erica; I'll do as you suggest.

Unfortunately I only have knowledge about one of the several profiles that were merged. I'll try to get the other managers to help.

Could someone please disconnect Dirk Moeskoker from his "son".

Dirk is a kicking off for a new tree (he may actually be the grandfather of his current "son" but that is pure speculation and i dont want it showing on the tree).

Is there something wrong with the software on this site? This is the second time I've come across something like this in 3 days ...

Pieter Cornelis Heidstra is my 4th great grandfather. but Geni says his father Cornelis Pieters Heidstra is my 7th great uncle. I don't understand how that can be.

Could someone please look into this and help me figure out what's wrong.

Dorothy Smid

As i understand it computing the relationship paths actually takes a lot of effort for the software, for this reason the paths are not "live" but do get updated regularly. The problem you describe is not uncommon, often it will fix itself in a hour/day or two or if not there are several options to trigger a refresh. Curators can help at this stage.

If all else fails a Help ticket can be raised requesting admin to resolve the issue, which in my experience usually takes two or three days depending on their work load, once the sticking point is resolved the relationship paths for profiles higher up the tree resolve themselves.

The 'relationship paths' are allowed to be refreshed periodically ... as Alex wrote, the computational load is high, so it's not instantly. If the little "circle of arrows" shows beside it, then you can click that to re-calculate the path.

You can also often "teach" a better path by "walking" from one profile to another; see more on Relationship Paths at this project:

Alex - Pieter Moeskoker has been made parentless

Thank you very much Erica.

I've just found a link between the Moeskoker family of Enkhuizen and the founding driector of the Enkhuizen chamber of the VOC :)

So that's my day made and not even lunchtime yet! Sadly the link between that Moeskoker family and my Moeskoker family still eludes me but there is always this afternoon :).

(show off)

Back to trying to bust my Plantagenet links.

@Alex Moes

I think I've figured out the problem regarding Cornelis Pieters Heidstra.

If you look at the tree view of his other wife Sjoerdje Hiddes

it might make things clearer as to where the problem might be

Pieter Cornelis Heidstra
Tjemkje Cornelis Heidstra
Sjuttje Cornelis Heidstra
should be all siblings sharing the same father
Cornelis Pieters Heidstra

if you connect them as siblings, their father being "Cornelis Pieters Heidstra"
then my 4th fourth great grandfather Pieter Cornelis Heidstra should line up as the SON of "Cornelis Pieters Heidstra" and SON of Aukje Rinses whereas Sjutje-Cornelis-van-Assen-Heidstra and Tjemkje-Krnelis-de-Bruin-Heidstra where the daughters of Tjamke (Tjimkje) Tjeerds Heidstra-Hollander then things should be connected and everything should be lined up properly.

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