Hello, I would like some curators to help me in assisting me in merging two profiles that I Think that might be identical but first can sibling share the exact same name or not? and I think these two might be identical but I can't even request a merge on them considering they are both master profiles. I thought maybe you curators can help me and what i talking about is i think my 13 great grandmother Jean Campbell and my supposed-14-great aunt also named Jean Campbell are the same person and here are the link below:
my 13th great grandmother Jean Campbell is this url address: Jean Campbell?
and my supposed 14-great aunt Jean Campbell is the url address:
Jean Campbell?
considering these two people in above links have the same name, parents and siblings i find it hard to believe that these two people, two people i'm afraid that maybe somebody made a mistake in creating these two jean campbell's and realized later they are the same person but realized they couldn't be merged considering they are both master profiles. So if these two Jeans happened to be the same person could you merge them together so people won't get confused. and who in the right mind would name two children the same exact name, no one would that my point these two jeans have to be the same person but i can't merge them considering they are master profiles and I can't even request to merge them either unless i'm a curator which it is hard to become one. because i've tried.