HELP Smart path over ride Or stop the faults renaming by geni auto path tool

Started by Private on Friday, August 29, 2014
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Grandmother husband says "Levi Lewis, Jr. is your fifth great grandfather" That is correct but you switch to her. and I get this now Mary (Beemer) Lewis is your 6th great uncle's sister. Her brother Squire John Bemer/Beemer 1763-1828 Married her husbands sister Hannah (Lewis) Bemer/Beemer it says "Hannah (Lewis) Bemer/Beemer is your 6th great aunt." Which is also correct. The smart path goes from Hananh and Squire John Bemer/Beemer to her father Johann Phillipus Beemer and it changes Mary's father my grandfather into Philip Beemer is your 6th great uncle's father. Which is incorrect it should read your sixth great grandfather not 6th great uncle's father. In the end it is now throwing all the ansesters from her back on that part of the tree off. All the Grandparents now say Sebastian Bohmer is your 6th great uncle's great grandfather. He is her Great Grandfather and would make him my 7th gr Grandfather if it was correct.

So how can that be corrected. Sebastian Bohmer Marys gr Grandfather
Sebastian Bohmer

John Boehmer, Sr. mary's grandfather
John Boehmer, Sr.

Johann Phillipus Beemer -Mary's father

Johan Phillipus Bohmer

Mary (Beemer) Lewis my fifth great grandmother but reads Mary (Beemer) Lewis is your 6th great uncle's sister.

Mary (Beemer) Lewis

Levi Lewis, Jr. Mary (Beemer) Lewis husband (Levi Lewis, Jr. is your fifth great grandfather.)

Levi Lewis, III

Hannah (Lewis) Bemer/Beemer Mary (Beemer) Lewis's sister- in-law

Hannah Beemer

Squire John Bemer/Beemer (Bohmer) Mary (Beemer) Lewis's brother
Squire John Beemer

If anyone knows how to correct this problem please help

Vl Beck


Please look at what I found

and I get this now Mary (Beemer) Lewis is your 6th great uncle's sister.
I get

Hannah (Lewis) Bemer/Beemer is your 6th great aunt.
I got that too

Philip Beemer is your 6th great uncle's father. Which is incorrect it should read your sixth great grandfather not 6th great uncle's father
I get

All the Grandparents now say Sebastian Bohmer is your 6th great uncle's great grandfather. He is her Great Grandfather and would make him my 7th gr Grandfather if it was correct.
I get

Praise the Lord it looks like geni might have fixed it. I guess time will tell.



I think you said it correctly, Geni fixed it. I did not do anything other than look at the paths you asked about, unless Justin did.

Nope, I didn't do anything. These path problems generally solve themselves over time.

In an active community with constant merge activity and tree correction a path relationship might need to be refreshed. The server does that "automatically" now and then.

More explanation about relationship paths is available here:

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