Can anyone tell me where the mythical ancestors are attached to my tree?
Michael Joseph Nogrady
You → Evelyn Grace Nogrady
your mother → Harald Halvarson Berge
her father → Halvar Ivarson U-Berge
his father → Ivar II Halvarson U-Berge
his father → Halvar III Tormodson Tormodson Gjesteland
his father → Marita Skreå Halvarsdatter U-Berge
his mother → Anna Olsdtr. Skreå br 5
her mother → Ole Olsen d.y. Lunde
her father → Ole Torjeisen d.y. Finsnes
his father → Marit (Marta) Olsdatter Søyland
his mother → Torborg Olsdatter
her mother → Karen Bergsdatter Egeland
her mother → Berge Torgersen Egeland
her father → Torger Bergesen Egeland
his father → Berge Torgersen
his father → Torger Bergulfsen Årstad
his father → Ingeborg Sveinsdatter Oddernes
his mother → Svein Herleiksson Oddernes
her father → Herleik Åsulfson Galde, i Biskopsrud
his father → Åsulf Kjetilsson Galle, i Biskopsrud
his father → N.N Eiriksdatter Galle
his mother → Torbjørg Aasulvsdatter, til Rein
her mother → Ragnhild Skoftesdatter til Giske
her mother → Skofte Ogmundsson Giske
her father → Ogmund Torbergson Giske
his father → Ragnhild Erlingsdtr. Giske, Av Sola
his mother → Astrid Yngling Tryggvesdatter
her mother → Astrid Eriksdatter Obrestad
her mother → Eirik Viking-Kåresson Bjodaskalle, på Obrestad
her father → Vikinge-Kåre Sigurdsson
his father → Sigurd Hundasteinarson Bjodaskalle
his father → Ålov/Alof Ragnarsdottir
his mother → Aslaug Kraka Sigurdsdatter
her mother → Sigurd "Fafnisbana" Sigmundsson, of Denmark
her father → Sigmund Völsungsson
his father → Völsung Rersson
his father → Rer Sigardsson, av Frankland
his father → Sigar Odinsson, King in Hunaland
his father → Óðinn / Woden / Woutan
his father → Heimdallr Ás
his son
Your first problem is Berge Torgersen Egeland being the father of Torgeir Bergesen Rafoss There are not good enough sources to prove that this link is correct and more research is needed.
Your next problem is the lack of sources confirming that Bishop/Knight Herleik Åsulfson Galle/Galde, I Biskopsrud is the father of Sira Svein Herleiksson Eigeland There is a theory that these two may be father and son, but there is no proof.
Your third problem is NN Eriksdatter Galle There are no sources existing about this person, nor her father, there is only a theory published in Scandinavian Historical Magazine (Skandinavisk Historisk Magasin).
From this person and all generations before him you are getting so far into the saga literature which is written a long time after these persons lived, that the trustworthyness of this information is close to zero.
Given that none of the theories that link Bishop/Knight Herleik Åsulfson Galle/Galde, I Biskopsrud to Bishop/Knight Herleik Åsulfson Galle/Galde, I Biskopsrud are even mentioned in the "About Me", I'm disconnecting this link now (and mentioning it in the "About Me").
If someone can dig up a reference to the theory, we can restore it (if it looks reasonable).
Yours for removing unproved links to Charlemagne.
Dear folks, I count some 41 generations. Let us presume that our parents mostly told the truth about who was the father, with a probability of 97 %. It is generally more difficult for the mama to lie about her being such. Then 0.97exp(41)=0.29 which is not highly probable. Of course in practice most links are correct, and a few are definitely not. Unfortately it is not easy to find all relevant facts in geneology.
Michael Joseph Nogrady you're my 7th cousin, with the common ancestor being https://www.geni.com/people/Ljøde-Kristensen-Litle-Nerabø/3967416 - if it had been a hundred years earlier, I'd have been quite doubtful, but at this level, I think it quite likely to be true.
Ljøde is from the south-west corner of Norway - 3 days' sailing on a fair wind will put a Viking ship from there in the British Isles, and there was a *lot* of sailing back and forth - not just in the Viking times, but ever since, too. Would be a wonder if there wasn't a mixture - and a lot of the mixing is older than reliable records.
Besides, all those ethnicity calculators have *huge* error margins - I know, I've tried several!