President and General Ulysses S. Grant → Jesse Grant → Noah Grant → Susanna Delano → Jonathan Delano → Mercy Warren → Nathaniel Warren → RICHARD WARREN
President and General Ulysses S. Grant → Jesse Grant → Noah Grant → Susanna Delano → Jonathan Delano → Mercy Warren → Nathaniel Warren → RICHARD WARREN
me to Ulysses S. Grant...
→ Howard Nichols
your father → Mamie C. Nichols (Collins)
his mother → David J. COLLINS
her father → JOHN H. COLLINS
his father → Elizabeth Boothe
his mother → Abner Boothe
her father → Isaac Boothe, Sr.
his father → George Boothe, Sr.
his father → Stephen Boothe, I
his father → Dea. Joseph Booth
his father → Joseph Booth
his father → Elizabeth Miner
his sister → Grace Grant
her daughter → Noah Grant, I
her son → Capt. Noah Grant, Jr.
his son → Capt. Noah Grant, III
his son → Jesse Grant
his son → Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President of the United States
his son
Hi Raymon,
Yes, Richard Warren, "Mayflower" Passenger had a son, Nathaniel Warren, who had a son, Richard Warren, Jr. Richard Warren, Jr. was born in 1646 and died in 1696. He married Sarah Ewer (Torrey).
Elysses S. Grant is my 6th cousin 4 times removed.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
John Patrick McCaffrey
Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President of the United States is your 7th cousin four times removed.
→ Henry Swalley
your father → Vesta Petrelli
his mother → Charles I Rogers
her father → Florence Palmer (Rogers)
his mother → Benjamin Palmer
her father → Daniel Palmer
his father → Daniel Palmer
his father → Samuel Palmer
his father → Mary Palmer
his mother → Mary Palmer
her mother → Deacon Gershom Palmer
her father → Grace Frances Minor (Palmer)
his sister → Capt. John Minor
her son → Grace Grant
his daughter → Noah Grant, I
her son → Capt. Noah Grant, Jr.
his son → Capt. Noah Grant, III
his son → Jesse Grant
his son → Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President of the United States
his son
→ Woodrow Worthley
your father → Albert Worthley
his father → Lucy Worthley
his mother → Nancy Combs
her mother → Thomas Dye
her father → Ezekiel Dye
his father → John Dey
his father → Anne (Ann) Duyts
his mother → William Browne
her father → Mary Browne
his mother → William Master, III
her father → Bridget Master
his mother → John Cornwall
her father → Thomas Cornwall, 11th Baron of Burford, Shropshire
his brother → Mary Rowley (Cornwell)
his daughter → John Rowley
her son → Henry Rowley
his son → Sarah Hatch
his daughter → Capt. Joseph Hatch
her son → Amy Allen Delano (Hatch)
his daughter → Susannah Grant
her daughter → Capt. Noah Grant, III
her son → Jesse Grant
his son → Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President of the United States
his son
question of the day... what relation is Richard Warren to me?
me to Richard Warren
→ pop
your father → Mamie C. Nichols (Collins)
his mother → David J. COLLINS
her father → JOHN H. COLLINS
his father → Elizabeth Boothe
his mother → Abner Boothe
her father → Isaac Boothe, Sr.
his father → George Boothe, Sr.
his father → Stephen Boothe, I
his father → Dea. Joseph Booth
his father → Joseph Booth
his father → Elizabeth Miner
his sister → Grace Grant
her daughter → Noah Grant, I
her son → Capt. Noah Grant, Jr.
his son → Capt. Noah Grant, III
Susannah Grant
his mother → Capt. Jonathan Delano, II
her father → Mercy Walker (Warren)
his mother → Nathaniel Warren
her father → Richard Warren, "Mayflower" Passenger
his father
Richard Warren, "Mayflower" Passenger is your 10th cousin 11 times removed's wife's grandfather.
→ Pop
your father → Mamie C. Nichols (Collins)
his mother → Martha Collins (BARTLETT)
her mother → Nancy Rachel Bartlett (KING)
her mother → Sarah Ann King (Bartlett)
her mother → Reuben S. BARTLETT
her father → John "Garner" Bartlett
his father → WILLIAM BERKLEY
his father → Margaret (Brent) Bartlett
his mother → Richard Brent
his mother → Katherine Reed
her mother → Elizabeth Greville (Willoughby), Baroness Willoughby of Broke
her mother → margaret neville
her mother → Richard Nevile, 2nd Lord Latimer
her father → Sir Henry Neville of Latimer
his father → George Neville, 1st Baron Latimer
his father → Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland
his mother → John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster
her father → Philippa of Hainault, Queen consort of England
his mother → Margaret II of Hainault, Empress of the Holy Roman Empire
her sister → Albrecht I von Wittelsbach, Duke of Bavaria
her son → Margarethe von Bayern-Straubing
his daughter → Philippe III "le Bon", duc de Bourgogne
her son → Baudouin de Bourgogne, seigneur de la Falaise
his son → Marguerite Madeleine de Bourgogne
his daughter → Jean de Lannoy, seigneur de Molembaix
her son → Gilbert de Lannoy
his son → Jean de Lannoy
his son → Philippe de Lannoy
his son → Lt. Jonathan Delano
his son → Mercy Walker (Warren)
his wife → Nathaniel Warren
her father → Richard Warren, "Mayflower" Passenger
his father