By my family it was always said that our present name Izaković came from Ishak Ishakovic son of Ishak Beg Kotromanić,, bacause his son with son or brother at a time when there was kind of traffic and exchange at Dubočac between the Turkish and the Austrians possible, these two man crossed Sava River at Dubočac, mixed with the local people, took over or in fact returned as asked by their grandmother Katarina Kosača to do, to Roman Khatol. married and settled down. Some later family members lived in Požega and mach later Brod na Savi.. Documents from that period do not exist because of wars etc. There used to be a ring and dagger from that time kept in the familiy . We had to many wars etc .You can read about it also in the book Stečci by Milka Tica as the y also had land in or around Donji and Gornji Mamići.
Ishak beg Kotromanić was in fact sent to The Sultan and Porta by an uncle from the Kosača family as hostige for his half brother the king Stjepan Tomašević.