****According to this book this family of Seaton was better known by the Stile of Winton.***
Source= http://books.google.com/books?id=HFAJAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA117&lpg=...
sayes brother to Ninian Seaton laird of Touch in Stirlingshire a family that was if I mistake not a branch of the ancient family of Seatons better knowen by the stile of Winton descended from Alexander de Seaton whom Sir James Dalrymple gives us as a witnes in a charter of our King David to the very ancient family of Riddel of that Ilk Whatever be in this this gentlman as was ordinary at this time had education and probably for services in the church
This Ninian Seton is the same person as Sir Ninian Seton, 3rd of Touch, found elsewhere in Geni. It is therefore being merged.
Sir Ninian Seton, 3rd of Touch
Sir Alexander Seton, 2nd of Touch