Positive Post Fridays

Started by Private User on Friday, April 26, 2013
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Kevin....All the more treasured....we do this so people WILL be remembered....so those memories of your 1st cousin are very important....

My late cousin Doris (my mother's 1st cousin but we never count 1st or 2nd whatever, just our cousins) was one of the people who gave me a lot of her mother's pictures. She also could iID a lot that wasn't labeled. Tav and my grandmother labeled thinks but great Aunt Bessie ,Fay's mother didn't label a thing . Fay had no clue . Her brother might but I never see him. But what I also got from Tav's collection( Doris's mother , was all my Great Uncle ernest's WW2 info. His metals and some of his letters. I have photocopied them as they are very fragile. Also photoed all the depression letters my grandmother had from my uncle when working his way across the country.And all my other uncles WW2 info and phots and scrapbook items. Other uncle didn't keep anything from where he was. He was in the 50th with the ones who went into free the King of Belgium and various other countries import people from prisoner of war camp. I have a newspaper article about that. George never said anything about. Phil was in the Pacific and talked more about it.George was the writer of letter and Phil the story teller.

Also don't forget to look in Bibles.

Thought for a second you were talking about me....THAT is how rare my name is....

Family bibles are great...I have 2 of my family's....

I found some documents in a Bible . A Civil War record and the certificate allowed my great great grandfather to marry people in the state of Maine.

Fay, I get it now. I was talking about my cousin in N>H> Fay Mahoney.

Fay, my cousin is a kinda of interesting person. She use to be a reporter and photographer for a paper . Then she started her own paper. Considered one of the best in franklin but because of illness and death in her family ended up selling off and was reporter again. Then she decided to take off for Az., where she live a few years. Now she' back again.She's a character.Went to visit her out there and we nearly killed each other. Discovered traveling together was not a good idea.She was a dog person. I am a cat person altho I do like dogs. Now she's a cat person.

You're lucky to have something like a family bible. I don;t even have anything close to that.


I had my cousin Janices Parker side from her Bible but then I was given a copy of the family page from one of ours. I knew it was out there but since I don't have Ancestry I couldn't find it. Then an acquaintance was writing a book on Breakheart Res. here in town and my family happen to be the caretakers at one time and I had all the pictures. i happened to up Breakheart with the pictures when they were, We got together. I supplied them with pictures, they credited the pictures to me plus they put my wondeful, very bulked up, because it was cold out, picture in it snf in their reserch they found the family bible records. So they gave ne a copy!I acturally helped them with a book before the breakheart one. They did one on lake Quantpowick in Wakefield and my father's side lived all their American life in Wakefield. So I gave them three pictures including one of me as a very smal child swiming in the lake, back when you could do that.

Sorry forgot the '. That was my cousin Janice"s Parker sde.

I hope everyone is having a great Friday! I am!

The last few weeks I've been busy working away on The Kentucky Migration project that I started. http://www.geni.com/projects/The-Kentucky-Migration-1780-1820/15097 I started this project to try to find out where my family connection might be. I think that my family connects with a section that didn't migrate to Kentucky.

Then last night Erica Howton got me interested in the Gunpowder Plot.
http://www.geni.com/projects/Gunpowder-Plot/14868 It's a project that
Private User started.

I had noticed that both sections of the tree had Drurys in them. Sooooo I wondered if these families were attached to each other in any way on the tree. After all both were of the Catholic faith.

This is the result I found.
http://www.geni.com/path/Dorothy+Payne+Drury+is+related+to+Dorothy+... (Isn't it cool that they are all Drurys.)

The second project also taught me more about the first project and the religious persecution that was going on in England and the colonies.

The icing on the cake was when I found this. Sir Robert Drury, MP, Speaker of the House of Commons is Linda's 16th great grandfather. (He's in between those two Dorothy Drurys)

I Love Geni!!

So who else is descended from the Whitneys? Nathaniel Whitney, Sr. and so on. I added the Whitneys and a number of other early families (Brown, Hastings, Hagar, Robinson, etc.) to my direct ancestors today, from connecting my ancestor Lucy Whitney married to Asaph Sherman to the Whitney tree.

To balance that off, I did some work on the tree of the first rabbi of Muscatine, Iowa and finished off by looking at DNA of a bunch of related families in the Helprin/Alperovitch etc. project.

I had something good to post for this week but can't remember now what it was! :(

Sounds exciting, Linda. Hatte, my Whitney is Nathaniel's uncle, Deacon Joshua Whitney.

Deacon Joshua Whitney is my 10th great uncle

It was very exciting, Ashley!

I haven't found a direct Whitney connection to me. Only a wiggly pathway through my Bigelows.

hah Hatte, I am related to (at least) 2 ways

Nathaniel Whitney, I is your third cousin 11 times removed.
Nathaniel Whitney, l is your first cousin 9 times removed's 2nd husband


Deacon Joshua Whitney is your 10th great uncle.
→ Linda Sue Cox
your mother → Gladys Mae Lockwood Tyler (Kelley)
her mother → Vivian Lucille Kelley/Payne/Smith (Cromer)
her mother → Floyd Francis Cromer
her father → Elizabeth Ann Cromer (Grosvenor)
his mother → Araminta Margaret Grosvenor (Whitney) Houser
her mother → Francis Tufts Whitney
her father → Joseph Whitney
his father → Benjamin Whitney (1725-1797)
his father → John Whitney 1680- 1739
his father → Benjamin Whitney
his father → Deacon Joshua Whitney
his brother

Nathaniel Whitney, I is your first cousin 10 times removed.
→ Linda Sue Cox
your mother → Gladys Mae Lockwood Tyler (Kelley)
her mother → Vivian Lucille Kelley/Payne/Smith (Cromer)
her mother → Floyd Francis Cromer
her father → Elizabeth Ann Cromer (Grosvenor)
his mother → Araminta Margaret Grosvenor (Whitney) Houser
her mother → Francis Tufts Whitney
her father → Joseph Whitney
his father → Benjamin Whitney (1725-1797)
his father → John Whitney 1680- 1739
his father → Benjamin Whitney
his father → John Whitney, Jr
his brother → Nathaniel Whitney, I
his son

And now Linda is my
Linda Thompson, (c) is your 10th cousin thrice removed.

instead of:
Linda Thompson, (c) is your second cousin 9 times removed's husband's first cousin 8 times removed.

:-)) YAY!!!!!

And now Hatte and I are
Hatte Blejer is your 11th cousin.
→ Linda Sue Cox
your mother → Gladys Mae Lockwood Tyler (Kelley)
her mother → Vivian Lucille Kelley/Payne/Smith (Cromer)
her mother → Floyd Francis Cromer
her father → Elizabeth Ann Cromer (Grosvenor)
his mother → Araminta Margaret Grosvenor (Whitney) Houser
her mother → Francis Tufts Whitney
her father → Joseph Whitney
his father → Benjamin Whitney (1725-1797)
his father → John Whitney 1680- 1739
his father → Benjamin Whitney
his father → John Whitney, Jr
his brother → Nathaniel Whitney, I
his son → Nathaniel Whitney, II
his son → Samuel Whitney
his son → Lucy Sherman
his daughter → Clara Browning
her daughter → Rebecca Wilbur
her daughter → Lois Johnson
her daughter → Moses Perry Johnson
her son → Hazel Sharp
his daughter → A. Dick
her daughter → H. Blejer
her daughter

instead of:

Hatte Blejer is your 14th cousin.
→ Linda Sue Cox
your mother → Gladys Mae Lockwood Tyler (Kelley)
her mother → Vivian Lucille Kelley/Payne/Smith (Cromer)
her mother →Floyd Francis Cromer
her father → Elizabeth Ann Cromer (Grosvenor)
his mother → Araminta Margaret Grosvenor (Whitney) Houser
her mother →Francis Tufts Whitney
her father → Joseph Whitney
his father → Benjamin Whitney (1725-1797)
his father → John Whitney 1680- 1739
his father → Benjamin Whitney
his father→ John Whitney, Sr.
his father → Thomas Whitney, Gent.
his father → Elizabeth Whitney (Dugilm Guillims)
his mother → Richard Williams, alias Cromwell
her brother→ Sir Henry Williams, alias Cromwell, MP
his son → Oliver Cromwell
his son → Elizabeth Ingoldsby (Cromwell)
his daughter → Henry Neale, Jr.
her son →Joanna Wilbur
his daughter → Meshach Wilbor, Sr.
her son → Meshach Wilbur
his son → Meshach Wilbur
his son → Williams Wilbur
his son → Lois Johnson
his daughter→ Moses Perry Johnson
her son → Hazel Sharp
his daughter → A. Dick
her daughter → H. Blejer
her daughter

YAY!!! Again! :-))

This is mine connection :

Helen Parker

Winnette Cookson

Orillia Murch

Lydia Morton

Elihu Morton

Sarah Whitney

Nathan Whitney

Nathaniel Whitney brother to your John Whitney

You're my 8th cousin once removed through another line although Whitney should be the same.

Hattie also connected via Cobb.

Hattie let me put this in again. Left a generation out

Helen Parker
Winnette Cookson
Orilla Murch
Lydia morton
Elihu Morton
Ebenezer Morton
Thankful Parker
Patience Cobb
Henry Cobb
henry Cobb jr. brother of Eunice Cobb Gallup

Yes, it's Cobb that Geni maps the relationship through.

It isn't Friday but I couldnt resist posting:
Never ignore the Matches, because I finally clicked one I had been ignoring for awhile and found 6 generations of ancestors for my husbands Polish branch that I have been stuck on. At least 8 Geni users who are his cousins, and hundreds of profiles who have been here all along (most had added dates of 3 years ago) and I never found them. I'm quite excited!

Great news for you Kris, I needed some positive relief myself, so I'm cheering you on.

Very happy for you, Kris, that's really exciting!

Great, Kris!!
I hope that happens with a couple I've been stuck on!

Great news, Kris! I love the matches.

I found a database of buyouts offered to British slaveholders after abolition and found the exact payouts some of my ancestors received. I have a mixture of enslavers and the enslaved among my maternal ancestors, so although it's always awkward to find such things, it's still helpful in piecing together my family's story.

Showing 211-240 of 594 posts

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