Consistantly, intermingling bloodlines in the Monarchs and Royals and the diverse cross- relations and how they (DON´T) show up properly or separately.

Started by Theresa Renée Eléna Tossas-Cox on Monday, February 25, 2013
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I´m quite, new at this GENI- World- Family- Tree project and I may have just not yet, located the where and the how-to´s of it all...

but I believe, I´m noticing that a feature to show the multiple relationships, of the Monarchs... some (most) of them are married to some sort of cousin or even closer in some desparate cases... to ensure the Monarchy.

I have a few relationships, which are known to me as being for example, 11th cousins as well as 8th cousins 2x removed. This example, married yet another 5th cousin 1x removed (unknowingly) of mine, as well... but if I "calculated our relationship" as done here @Geni... i would only get the 8th cousin 2x removed relation.

My suggestion... a feature or option, to view multiple relation- correlations, where applicable.

Not like this isn´t all confusing and concentration- demanding, in the first place. hahaha!
But it would make it easier to understand the "inbound" ties... of some of the lines.
As well as, migration indicators... as I am also noticing, that some of the Main Families of for example the Founding Father´s of the USA and the Mavericks of the Mormon Frontier... seemed to immegrate then, migrate together... in smaller groups... for work or because, 2 of the neighbors boy´s married into the family or vice versa... and within 3-5 - 8 generations... I can find... descendants of some of these mixes... mixing again... (for example, my Stone, Grosvenor, Whitney, Adams lines, Blount, Crissy, Blanchard lines.)

Also, the inability, to upload a GEDCOM... is extremely, time consuming and frustrating.
If we could avoid millions of duplicate profiles... by somehow, filtering... all names within´ ones personal profile GEDCOM variables, wouldn´t that allow the user personally, to manage the GEDCOM(s) and ORIGINAL PERSONAL GENI Tree duplicates, before they land on the World Family Tree.
A Pre- screening room... for each personal profile to resolve these duplicates... before accessing and "final uploading and merging with original GENI Tree"? With the GENI Tree ALWAYS being the MASTER and the GEDCOM only allowing alterations to information managed by said personal profile owner, since, these changes would only at first affect their own personal tree?

There´s just got to be a way.

Any thoughts on any of this, quite welcome!!!

Thank You, for your time and your own research!
It´s only been a few days, but I am enthralled at the new connections and being integrated into the World Family Tree, finally!
As I had email contact with Darryl Lundy (the Peerage) and he couldn´t tell me how my family connected with the Kings and Queens and Emperors of the World... But GENI could! (For the most part.)

Seems to be a lack of input on the Latin ie. Puerto Rican, Catalan side at GENI... as I am getting near no activity or merge requests for any of my people, on this side.

Respectfully yours, Renee Walker

Hi Theresa i am getting near no activity or merge requests or people to collaberate with me Judy Rice

Hi Renee

Welcome to Geni & glad you're enjoying it. A few suggestions & responses.

1) join the collaboration pool. The more collabs you have, the richer the activity and the connections

2) join projects. I had, for instance, a grand time tracking/ building the tree for Stephen Vincent Benét - climb that tree to see his fascinating ancestry - and your relationship!

3) Geni was built on GEDCOM imports. We don't really need them anymore because - except in certain areas (and sadly, Puerto Rico might be one) - It shouldn't take much hand data entry, from yourself, to connect to existing ancestry. Then merge profiles, collaborate, research, build out ...

4) reach out to the existing Geni profile managers. Judy Rice is a champ at that, and frankly, it's such a pleasure to find such sweet collaborators.

Great Erica! And Thank You for collaborating with me, Judy!!! Yes, I am involved in all sorts of projects... as "Following" and combing through their added profiles... to see, I I can´t find a duplicate, then I join.... to collaboarte. But I believe, I will just join all and see, what happens! Yes, Puerto Rico and Catalan... seem to be a bit informational black hole.... here @GENI. Hoping to change that soon and collaborate with a cousin, who has an extensive tree, here too! Just getting the gist of things... as mentioned in my first discussion intro- thread.

Thank You and I hope, we can collaborate and find some exciting new things, soon!

Still doesn´t settle, how on earth one would be able to see all of their degrees of relationship... to any ONE person.... (the quite distasteful inbreading thing, no one really likes to talk about... but happens to the best of them... even unintentionally... within a few of their own lines... lol!)
I´ve lost half of my degrees of relationship to the Presidents of the USA and I know for a fact, I´m related to 43 or 44 or them.... in some way... other than, "husband of your.... what- and what- not" or "Great Grandfather of your what-and-what-nots- husband."... etc.

Which is a bit frustrating... you see... many of their pendants. (The First Ladies) are also, vaguely related or even unvaguely... to many of their spouses ... (usually, cousins of some degree over 4th... or more...) but related...

and now all of a sudden, I´m related to all of the President´s wives... and the Presidents are, "the husband of my 26th cousin 1x removed..." (Michelle Obama was used here, as an example.)

Is there a way to get that in check? So, that all relationships are calculated and not "led astray" by the fact that I´m related to both... of the married folk?


Theresa Renée Eléna Tossas-Cox Welcome 51st cousin 12 times removed! You are absolutely correct, only on Geni can one find such obscure relationships.

According to Geni's relationship matching algorithm we are connected via
1. Haninai al-Nehar Peḳkod ben Bustanai bar Adai, Exilarch & Gaon of Sura
2. Addah al-Palestin

Thank You, thank you, thank you JADRA and MALKA!!! And very nice to meet both of you! Great! Now, I´m up and running again!
This is pretty cool, too! <3

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