I´m quite, new at this GENI- World- Family- Tree project and I may have just not yet, located the where and the how-to´s of it all...
but I believe, I´m noticing that a feature to show the multiple relationships, of the Monarchs... some (most) of them are married to some sort of cousin or even closer in some desparate cases... to ensure the Monarchy.
I have a few relationships, which are known to me as being for example, 11th cousins as well as 8th cousins 2x removed. This example, married yet another 5th cousin 1x removed (unknowingly) of mine, as well... but if I "calculated our relationship" as done here @Geni... i would only get the 8th cousin 2x removed relation.
My suggestion... a feature or option, to view multiple relation- correlations, where applicable.
Not like this isn´t all confusing and concentration- demanding, in the first place. hahaha!
But it would make it easier to understand the "inbound" ties... of some of the lines.
As well as, migration indicators... as I am also noticing, that some of the Main Families of for example the Founding Father´s of the USA and the Mavericks of the Mormon Frontier... seemed to immegrate then, migrate together... in smaller groups... for work or because, 2 of the neighbors boy´s married into the family or vice versa... and within 3-5 - 8 generations... I can find... descendants of some of these mixes... mixing again... (for example, my Stone, Grosvenor, Whitney, Adams lines, Blount, Crissy, Blanchard lines.)
Also, the inability, to upload a GEDCOM... is extremely, time consuming and frustrating.
If we could avoid millions of duplicate profiles... by somehow, filtering... all names within´ ones personal profile GEDCOM variables, wouldn´t that allow the user personally, to manage the GEDCOM(s) and ORIGINAL PERSONAL GENI Tree duplicates, before they land on the World Family Tree.
A Pre- screening room... for each personal profile to resolve these duplicates... before accessing and "final uploading and merging with original GENI Tree"? With the GENI Tree ALWAYS being the MASTER and the GEDCOM only allowing alterations to information managed by said personal profile owner, since, these changes would only at first affect their own personal tree?
There´s just got to be a way.
Any thoughts on any of this, quite welcome!!!
Thank You, for your time and your own research!
It´s only been a few days, but I am enthralled at the new connections and being integrated into the World Family Tree, finally!
As I had email contact with Darryl Lundy (the Peerage) and he couldn´t tell me how my family connected with the Kings and Queens and Emperors of the World... But GENI could! (For the most part.)
Seems to be a lack of input on the Latin ie. Puerto Rican, Catalan side at GENI... as I am getting near no activity or merge requests for any of my people, on this side.
Respectfully yours, Renee Walker