William "of Rehoboth" Carpenter - further cleanup regarding the line of William-of-Rehoboth-Carpenter

Started by Private on Monday, October 8, 2012
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10/8/2012 at 7:27 PM

Erica Howton i know you said that some of his children and his wives.. had some some issues so i am going to list them and their profiles here and will we work on cleaning them up..
my connection is thru john carpenter this one i think one profile of john carpenter has him deceased with no data.. hmm.. the other this one Joseph Carpenter thing is he had a son of the same name so need to fix suffix field?
now william of rehoboth he is listed as
Son of William "of the Bevis" Carpenter and Alice Carpenter

Son of William "of the Bevis" Carpenter and Alice Carpenter
Husband of Abigail Carpenter
Father of John Carpenter; Joseph Carpenter; Abigail Carpenter; William Carpenter; Abiah Carpenter; Samuel Carpenter; John Carpenter; Abigail (Carpenter) Titus Palmer; Deac. William Carpenter; Joseph Carpenter; Samuel Carpenter; Samuel Carpenter, Sr.; Hannah Carpenter; Abraham Carpenter and Abiah Carpenter
Brother of Frances Farrow
so lets see here to be checked John Carpenter
Unknown Profile
Abiah Carpenter
Samuel Carpenter, (died young)
John "of Long Island" Carpenter
Deacon William Carpenter
Abigail Palmer
Unknown Profile
Hannah (Carpenter) Carpenter
i think i have listed the majority of them.. let me know if i missed any

10/8/2012 at 8:08 PM

List looks good. Are there dups? Abraham Carpenter may not belong / may not have existed according to the Zubrinsky documentation.

10/8/2012 at 8:49 PM

can not tell at this point about dupes.. i will check tommrow morning. i do see that joseph is listed as between 1610 and 1650 and there is no other info supporting it wife child death date and so on. fran curtis or other documentation or sources might prove usefull john carpenter and children look solid but like i said my linage is thru the other joseph profile could he have had two by that name? hmm.. for comparison Unknown Profile and Joseph Carpenter
now i said john carpenter earlier was my link i ment joepsh got it confused cauz my mind was thinking about books..

10/8/2012 at 8:49 PM

it is said abraham died before age 15 that much i know

10/8/2012 at 9:00 PM

can you check the doumentation on Unknown Profile so it's not confused with abigail (carpenter) titus palmer?

10/8/2012 at 9:01 PM

and Deacon William Carpenter so it's not confused with deacon willam of the same name..

10/8/2012 at 9:02 PM

i am learning about my family thru this.. i only knew of joseph and non of the others.. amazing

10/8/2012 at 9:07 PM

Erica Howton think we are all set for tonight will take a further look in the morning at the rest of them wives and such

10/9/2012 at 2:31 PM

Can anyone suggest correct parents for this profile?

John Carpenter

10/9/2012 at 2:41 PM

hmm.. i think he is mentioed in carol's thread that carol wrote in your discussion pertaining to william of the bevis carpenter.. i will check there and let you know..

Private User
10/9/2012 at 4:32 PM

Michael and Erica - Please be very careful regarding merges and whatnot going back this far in the family tree. Unless you are 100% (ok, maybe 99% certain) that something needs to be changed - and you have the documentation that goes with it - I'd respectfully ask that you start a discussion around them.

I've been coming across too many profiles that have little to no documentation associated with given changes and some folks are unknowingly undoing legitimate research.

On the profiles of William (my 10th G-Grandfather) and his immediate descendants, I would suggest starting with the Sketches provided here - http://carpentercousins.com/carplink.htm (this used to be the old link found in the header - http://members.cox.net/jrcrin001/carplink.htm) <- ERICA Can you update the curator's header with the new link? Thanks!

There are several ancestors with identical names and very close DOB/DOD's and other information to be wary of, including a very confusing cousin marriage (or two). If you do find things that need to be changed or updated, please document, document, document so that others can validate your hard work! We need more sources!! :)

Thanks and Cheers!
Joe Carpenter

10/9/2012 at 5:45 PM

Great to see you, Original Joe, and thank you for the updated link. Drop a profile link wherever you see an area that needs work.

William "of Rehoboth" Carpenter is also my 10th great grandfather.

Is it possible that John Carpenter, of CT parents are William Carpenter 1576 and Mary Batt 1580 ?

10/9/2012 at 6:19 PM

Rhonda-Lee, I think that is a possibility. There are just too many William Carpenters to be sure.

Private User
10/9/2012 at 6:37 PM

Deacon William Carpenter is solid. I did all of that work you see in the About Me. In fact, I think part of me becoming a curator was due to the original untangling of that mess with his wives and mother.

Private User
10/9/2012 at 6:39 PM

And I agree with Erica -- for the Carpenters, you can honestly just follow Zubrinsky and be fine. /No one/ disputes him.

Private User
10/9/2012 at 6:41 PM

Also (sorry): We really don't need to keep copying and pasting Zubrinsky into every Carpenter About Me. Just upload to sources and remove the C&P jobs when merging. :)

10/9/2012 at 7:44 PM

I don't know who Abigail Carpenter was married to but I know it wasn't William of Rehoboth. That was one of Zubrinsky's proofs and confirmed from other sources. So I've disconnected her from William.

10/10/2012 at 9:01 AM

Solomon Solomon Carpenter

who was listed as Abiah's son has been changed to his brother Samuel's son according to the following documentation:

159:58-59 That Solomon Carpenter of South Kingstown, was not the son of Abiah Carpenter but of his brother Samuel and the latter's wife Sarah (Redway) Carpenter, is now certain. On 23 October 1707 , Solomon Carpenter "of the Town of Kingstown ... Rhoadisland" deeded Rehoboth land and commonage rights to "my Brother Sam(ue)ll Carpenter" and on a separate transaction on the same day, to "my Brother James Carpenter" (Rehoboth Proprietors' Records,3: 167-68 [FHL 550,004,item3]; Solomon's original signature appears in both documents.)

Samuel and James Carpenter, both of Rehoboth,were indisputably sons of Samuel and Sarah (Redway) Carpenter (Rehoboth VRs, 1:6,44)

Solomon Carpenter of South Kingstown was thus the one of that name born at Rehoboth on 23 December 1677 to the same couple (ibid.,6).

NEHG Register- Additions and Corrections by E.C. Zubrinsky

Private User
10/11/2012 at 12:03 PM

Great to 'see' you too Erica Howton! I've been kinda quiet here lately. Mostly researching my maternal line these last few months. I'll see what I can contribute to this weekend, but I agree with Private User's comments RE following Gene Zubrinsky. He does update his sketches from time to time and it's a good reminder in general that information evolves (hence the need for solid documentation - not just links to a 10 year old personal website that I find from time to time. ;)

10/11/2012 at 8:01 PM

Unless anyone has an objection I would love to see Rhonda-Lee Robin Allen Barber, U.E. make the update she noted.

10/11/2012 at 8:19 PM

agreed. have looked closer at the article and see no problems

10/12/2012 at 1:04 PM

Updates complete for Solomon Carpenter

10/12/2012 at 2:43 PM

Beautiful work Rhonda-Lee - what a great photo! I resolved data conflicts, made MP, and "locked" the name and birth fields. It's a quality profile now.

10/12/2012 at 7:32 PM

Thank-you Erica .
Zubrinsky's work made it easy.
Thanks for finishing up those data conflicts too.

Private User
11/17/2012 at 6:50 PM

Doing some review on a few profiles and I noticed that for Joseph Carpenter, of Musketa Cove, the birth and death dates appear to be incorrect. Although these dates seem to be supported by sources, I reviewed the sources and I couldn't figure out where the birth date of April 1640 came from.

If in agreement, can we change the birth date to circa 1638, and the death date to circa 1683? These are the dates that are provided in Gene Zubrinsky's sketches (http://carpentercousins.com/Joseph2_RI&amp;NY.pdf), which I've paraphrased below.

JOSEPH 2 CARPENTER (William 1 of Providence, Richard A) was born about 1638 (aged 26 in 1664), probably at Providence Plantation (not 1635, in England), and died intestate between 15 or 17 February 1682[/3] and 15 March 1683/4 at Musketa Cove (then a plantation in Oyster Bay Township; now the town of Glen Cove, Nassau County), Long Island, Province of New York.

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