Jedidah Hawes - Jedidah Hawes is possibly linked to the Mayflower ship

Started by Tyler Craig Kelch on Friday, July 6, 2012
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7/6/2012 at 10:41 PM

Yes, good catch. I see that I'm related to both Jedidah Hawes and her husband :) I'm also a Howland-Tilley-Gorham descendant as well as a Sherman descendant.

Jedidah Hawes is my second cousin 7 times removed

Her husband Lt British Navy Jabez Sherman is my fourth cousin 7 times removed

7/7/2012 at 12:22 AM

And you are my 9th cousin through Jedidah Hawes/Jabez Sherman :)

7/14/2012 at 2:12 PM

Just found out that my mother's side had a Mayflower as well. Giles Hopkins, "Mayflower" Passenger

so that makes 4 mayflower's that I am a direct descendant of...and still not enough evidence on any one of the lines for me to prove it to the GSMD yet. the new on Giles looks promising though...well see.

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