My Greetings from Costa Rica. My Families of The Count Palatine Laterano Raimundo Ignacio Porta y de Solans/ and marchesse Ferdinando Della Porta of Naples, Italy and Count Antonio Della Porta, of Sicilia and Milan, Italy. Tüchler Meyer-Mayer Family of Bernhard Tüchler Meyer(Mayer) of Bromberg, Prussia, Poland, Germany and Romanov Royal Family of Russia.
P.O Box(Post office box): 781-2200 Coronado , San José , Costa Rica , Central America .
Email: ronald_porta@yahoo.com, ronald_porta@hotmail.com, ronaldporta@gmail.com, ronald_porta58@myspace.com
With admiration, love, your friend from Costa Rica, Ronald Porta (Della Porta Tüchler)
Tiny Middleton (Murray) I checked your relationship to Charles. Right now there is no "path," but as you connect your family tree to more and more parts of the Big Tree, you may have a relationship.
I'll check your relationship to me next :)
Based on his Master Profile (Charles III, King of the United Kingdom) he's my 13th cousin. But I get different results from his other profiles. From this one (Charles Prince of Wales), he's my 20th cousin 4 times removed. That has to be way off, though, because 4 generations would be 80-100 years. He's older than I am, but not THAT much older. On the other hand, we may have more than one ancestor in common, and Geni may have taken different paths to get there. It would be interesting to know how Geni finds relationships.