Good afternoon, Lady Aimee,
According to my family tree, which I had developed before GENI, the line I knew before placed various Mathildas, being the oldest Mathilda of Flanders (32º) the mother of Henry I, then comes Mathilda of Scotland (31º), then Mathilda of England, who married Geoffrey D'Anjou (Plantagenet), who was the father of Henry II and Husband of our loved Heroine. Her daughter Eleanor Plantagenet married Alfonso VIII (1155-1214) and tht's the reason I come to the scene. However, it was through GENI that I found the shorter path to her, which I had not investigated before. All of this is most interesting. Best Regards
Lady Aimee and Gustavo,
Matilda (Adelaide) Beauclerc is my 26th GGrandmother. I, like all the cousins, have family lines that are so inter-woven, it more resembles a spider web, than a tree! I really am enjoying the effort of untangling. Sometimes, it gets so tangled, I have to step back and take a break. Then, I go back to it, someone has updated a profile and a totally different path unfolds. Such fun.
Andrés Fariña Fontcuberta Hola Andrés! Una miembro de GENI, Aimee C. Speidel parece haber enviado a "todas" las parsonas emparentadas o descendientes (en linea 24, o tátaranietos nº 24) de Mathilda (Adelaïde) Beauclerc y su marido una invitación a través de GENI para comenzar un debate (en inglés = discussion) o intercambio de opiñones sobre ese determinado ancestro. Seguramente tu debes ser también descendiente de ellos, por eso te ha llegado la invitación al debate. Como hay libertad de expresión, el debate puede desarrollarse a un niver profundo y llegar a ser interesante o puede estancarse a un nivel superficial y allí quedarse. Todo depende del interés de los participantes. Si puedes con el inglés trata de leer los mensajes de Gustavo, siempre toca temas interesantes y escribe muy bien en ambos idiomas. Soy argentina, por ahora vivo en Bs.As. con ca. de 20 años en Australia. Un saludo!
Lady Aimee, now I found my great-grandmother name Mathilda Adelaide !
She is right here, no more, no less then Matilda of England, mother... of Henry II, and my 30th great-grandmother:
Empress Matilda
Thanks again, for more one lesson.
This is a very interesting line. Henry I Beauclerq, married Mathilda of Scotland who was the daughter of Malcolm III Canmore my 32nd GGF King of Scotland. Mathilda was also the daughter of St. Margareth Queen of Scotland, there has to be something in the genes because I felt some special Dejá Vu when I heard "Loch Lommond" (The song) for the first time.
St. Margareth was a great niece of King Edward "The Confessor", the las of the Saxon Kings. This line has at least two cannonized saints. Three ancestors below we can find Berenguela of Castille, daughter of Eleanor Plantagenet. Berenguela was the mother of San Fernando King of Castille who married Béatrice of Schwaben, bringing to our scene all the kings of Germany and through Irene Angelo the tree connects also with all the byzantine emperors starting with Isaac Angelo. As María Cristina says this tree resembles more an IVY which is infinitely intertwined. Greetings to you all
Hatte Rubenstein Blejer Hola Hatte, el placer es mío. Me alegra a mi también saber que e través de GENI tengo la posibilidad de conocer a primos lejanos de todo el mundo. Nunca pensé que mi interés en genealogía me llevara a descubrir que el mundo era en realidad mas pequeño de lo que pensaba y mi familia mucho mas grande de lo que alguna vez imaginé. Un saludo.